Inheritance Tax Changes
Through construction umbrella body Build UK, FIS, is supporting thecampaign by Family Business UK which is calling on the Chancellor to reconsider the changes to inheritance tax announced in the Autumn Budget, and we would encourage affected members to complete a...
Sub-Contracting Simplified: New working group to develop a 500-word style contract.
FIS is working with legal expert Sarah Fox (famous for her 500-word approach to contracts) to create a simplified subcontract for FIS members to use. Sarah describes herself as a recovering lawyer and her work is driven by the principle that we are wasting time, money...
Notified Sums: More time to pay less?
In the matter of Placefirst Construction Limited -v- CAR Construction (North East) Limited (2025) EWHC 100 (TCC), Hill Dickinson successfully acted for Placefirst Construction Limited (“PCL”) in its claim for declaratory relief and the consequential nullification of...
Competition Law in Construction
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) continues to monitor anti‐competitive behaviour in construction and recently launched an investigation into potential bid rigging by several companies providing roofing and construction services. It has also extended its...
Crown Commercial Service calls for suppliers to be certified to the Common Assessment Standard
Crown Commercial Service has confirmed that suppliers applying to its new Construction Works and Associated Services Framework, worth up to £80 billion, must be certified to the Common Assessment Standard developed by Build UK. The framework will run from October 2026...
FIS updated resource: Collateral Warranties
FIS has updated its guidance on Collateral Warranties, which members can access for free here.. A collateral warranty is a contract, that is associated with another contract (such as a construction contract, a sub-contract, or design consultant appointment), and is...
Identifying risk and recommended negotiation positions
FIS has produced guidance to support members in identifying and responding to onerous contractual terms. Prepared for specialist contractors, it is a summary of the typical risks and industry recommended compromises to look out and negotiate when engaging in a...
The Responsible No: New guidance – don’t risk it all on an amended contract
Establishing clear contractual arrangements from the outset of any construction project is critical. This is a core conclusion from virtually every review of the construction sector. As far back as 1866, The General Builders Association put out the following...
Government launches New Fair Payment Code
Healthy cash flow is critical for small business' survival and growth. Late and long payment times disrupt the cash flow cycle and can prevent a business from paying its bills, eventually leading to business failure. In 2023 15% of small businesses and medium sized...
FIS relaunch Integrated Management Standard to support organisational capability
New requirements in the Building Regulations identify the need for businesses to demonstrate organisational capability. On a basic level, this means businesses will need to evidence how they check people are competent and ensure they are supported by effective...