FIS Consultant Len Bunton shares his thoughts on why businesses should learn to say, No.

Len’s message is that businesses should not accept onerous contract clauses that increase risk, extended payment periods, or contra charges to name a few.

In this blog, Len has set down a list of things that businesses in thge sector should be saying no to.

Adopting some of the statements should help you to manage the commercial aspects of projects much more efficiently and profitably. In my experience there are plenty of good employers and contractors out there who will look after you and who have long-term building programmes, and who will value your input, and who will want you to help them build successful projects on cost, on time and to a high quality.

Be selective of who you work for, and find out which organisations have long-term building programmmes, with whom you can build a successful relationship.

Len Bunton, Bunton Consulting


Members can see the full blog

These monthly Blogs are designed to help FIS Members avoid common traps and build on our focus on collective experience.  They share ideas about improving the commercial management of your contracts. In other words, instilling best practice into the way FIS members run and manage their business. What I have endeavored to suggest is ways to ensure you get paid on time, and what you are due.