With shortages dominating conversations, today, FIS hosted a webinar to help review where we all sit contractually.
To kick us off we were joined by Ruth Wilkinson, Legal Director at Hill Dickinson who discussed the challenges that businesses in our sector face, including:
- What is happening on the ground and the position that clients and contractors are taking on potential delays and price variation.
- Fluctuations and common provisions are made in standard contracts.
- How to deal with existing work and contracts.
- How to manage risk and structure negotiations on your next contract.
Damian James, Delay and Quantum Expert, then focussed on the impact of delay, distruption and rising costs and how to effectively manage your contractual position through this time of shortage.
Further support and guidance is below:
FIS Latest Statement on Shortages (to support your negotiations)
FIS Contractual and Legal Toolkit (including template resources to support notifications and management of delays)
RICS Conflict Avoidance Pledge (please consider signing it).
FIS Insurance Survey (Our plan is to scope out a new approach, possibly even establishing a mutual insurance company – all pie in the sky unless we have the data. We have received a good response, but have broken the project down into gateways and need a strong response before we can progress to the next level and start committing resource).