The FIS Scottish Contractors Forum took place in Hamilton on the 29th January 2020 and the Construction Scotland Innovation Hub. The group had an excellent informative presentation from three experts from legal firm Addleshaw Goddard who looked at the backdrop in Scotland, changes to the Scottish Building Standards and the impact of Grenfell, changing employment regulation and IR35, Reverse VAT, case law around Smash and Grab Adjudications and the responsibility of contractors under Product Safety Regulations and the impact of Project Bank Accounts. Iain McIlwee, FIS CEO followed with an update from FIS and a review of the tools and resources available to support members in managing the changes.
Copies of their presentations and supporting materials are available below.
Presentations: FIS_Update_Scotland_29_1_2020
FIS Reverse Charge VAT Toolkit
JTC Newsline January 2020 – advice on ir35
The Academy for Construction People
Enter the Scottish Awards Here
Feedback from attendees
As ever, the subject matter was interesting and I came away having picked up some new information.