The Government has published the Procurement Specific Questionnaire for use by public sector clients under the Procurement Act from 24 February 2025, which confirms that the Common Assessment Standard, developed by Build UK, should continue to be used for pre‐qualifying suppliers for ‘works’ contracts.
This is consistent with the position under PPN 03/24 and the Procurement Specific Questionnaire specifies at paragraph 45 that “public contracts for works should continue to use the questions set out in the Common Assessment Standard…and where possible, contracting authorities should avoid requiring Common Assessment Standard certified suppliers to re‐input their information”, which will reduce duplication for the supply chain even further.
The Common Assessment Standard has two levels of certification ‐ desktop and site‐based ‐ and companies can apply to any one of the Recognised Assessment Bodies for the appropriate level depending on their trade, size and the requirements of their clients.
To find out more about the Common Assessment Standard click here
FIS is encouraging members to advertise their support for the Common Assessment Standard and adopt a Responsible No when asked to complete multiple PQQs. We accept that this is difficult in a commercial tender situation and time is often too tight, but we have prepared a short email that we suggest our members send to their client to help raise awareness of the efficiencies that the Common Assessment Standard brings. This email template is available here Common Assessment Standard Template Email.
If companies are failing to adopt the Common Assessment Standard, please Complete the FIS Whistleblowing form here and we will follow-up independently. (All information will be treated in the strictest confidence ensuring no member is named or disadvantaged in any way by our follow-up).