The FIS team have been hard at work and achieved some brilliant results across our Technical, Business Development, Sustainability. Skills and Training, and Lobbying efforts. Here’s a short look back at Q3 of 2023
Key technical work
- Reviewed raft of newly published secondary regulations and launched the FIS simple overview of theBuilding Safety Act and Wider Building Regulation Reform
- Ran fire walls and penetrations webinar co-ordinated with the Passive Fire Knowledge Group
- Ran promotional campaign on fire walls and fire labels to Tier 1 Contractors
- Key technical guidance issued covering: Reporting non-confirming installations; Top 10 risks to avoid when procuring and installing fire resistant drylining and Plastering to floor level with applied skirting
Business support and guidance
- FIS community strengthened by record number of applications
- Launched new new risk management offering via a webinar
Lobbying and representation
- FIS responds on behalf of its members to:
the Morrell and Day Report (recommendations to improve and strengthen the testing regime forconstruction products),
the Industry Training Board Review
the proposed changes to taxation of umbrella workers
the Government consultation on addressing carbon leakage risk to support decarbonisation.
the Procurement Bill - FIS declares support for the new Quality Charter in Scotland calling for better procurement andcontinues to support the Conflict Avoidance Coalition across the UK.
- FIS CEO Iain McIlwee invited to join expert panel of the Home Builders Skills Partnership looking atsupply chain relationships.
- FIS lobbying success on Late Payment with new measures on value, disputed invoices and retention tobe included in the Duty to Report
Skills and training
- Collaboration with Skills Development Scotland, CITB and Scottish members on the review anddevelopment of existing apprenticeships in ceilings and partitions, providing a structure for any futurereview and development of apprenticeships and vocational qualifications.
- FIS supported the launch of the new Rockfon Training facility.
- Finalised the Drylining Competency Plan and started work on developing SKEB statements for all coretrades and supporting roles.
- Collaboration with DWP to develop material which aims to upskill DWP staff and showcase theopportunities available in our sector.
- Exploratory work with Prisons and DWP (Dept for Work and Pensions) in preparation for a pilot withBuild UK Open Doors programme in 2024.
Key Events
- Scottish Awards Lunch – celebrating the scottish sector
- Hosted working groups for steel framed systems and partitions
- FIS Birmingham event featuring expert speakers from the Deeley Group, the world of Risk Managementand Insurance as well as a lived experience mental health presentation that silenced the room
- Delivered webinars covering risk when selecting fire walls and penetrations, flexi-job apprenticeshipsand managing organisational risk
- FIS published a new pre fit-out audit standard to support a common approach to managing strip-outto deliver optimum net zero results.
- FIS Schools Research conducted with Class of Your Own fed into the City of London Skills for aSustainable Skyline Taskgroup work. FIS continues to support this ongoing project looking at theneed to upgrade offices across the City.