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FIS member benefit
If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR and Health & Safety side of your business, just give them a call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their call-back form and they’ll get right back to you. Please quote ‘The Finishes and Interiors Sector’ when enquiring to access your member benefit and preferential rates.
Webinar: Employment Law update – key changes for 2022
Citation is also hosting a free 60-minute webinar to provide insight into updates already in effect that may have flown under the radar following the pandemic, to recent and upcoming changes that businesses owners need to be aware of and prepare for.
Join them to discuss:
- The Good Work Plan – key changes to Employment Law you need to know about
- Updates and considerations for 2022 – the new employment bill, holiday pay, flexible working, the Equality Act and Right to Work checks
- COVID-19 case law – the lessons to be learned from how tribunals have approached these cases
The session will provide insightful advice from Citation’s experts on how to best prepare for the key Employment Law changes in 2022.