In response to the Department for Education’s consultation on document BB 100 Fire Safety Design for Schools (see below), CPA has produced a strawman for discussion.
A virtual meeting to discuss this will be held on Tuesday 10 August to finalise the CPA response.If you are interested in attending, full details are available here.
Building Bulletin 100 (BB100) is non-statutory guidance on fire safety for schools. The guidance covers designing a school building so that pupils and staff will have early warning if a fire breaks out and can evacuate quickly and safely. BB100 advises how to minimise the spread of fire and how to ensure the building structure is adequately resistant to fire. It also includes requirements for access and facilities for the Fire and Rescue Services. BB100 requires updating and simplifying, to see if additional fire safety measures should be included and whether there is content that is no longer needed.
In May 2019 CPA responded to a Department for Education consultation on the Technical Review of Building Bulletin 100 – Design for Fire safety in Schools. On 27 May 2021, the Department for Education published a revised draft of BB 100 together with a new consultation seeking answers to 12 questions.
The revised draft of BB 100 can be viewed here.
As CPA will be responding with a consolidated member’s view, we would encourage FIS members to complete this short questionnaire with their initial thoughts and email this to FIS by 30 June. CPA will then draw up a strawman and circulate for a later meeting to discuss the final text.
Members can also respond directly via the online consultation questionnaire here. This deadline for response via this survey is 18 August 2021.