FIS has launched a revised and updated Site Guide for Suspended Ceilings to help a project team fully understand the requirements of the suspended ceiling contractor.
The Site Guide for Suspended Ceilings was produced by the FIS Ceilings and Absorbers working group which comprises representation from manufacturers, suppliers and contractors involved in the design, supply and construction of ceiling systems. The site guide is intended to help main contractors, designers and project managers to understand the terminology, descriptors and different ceiling systems used, and the process of delivery, handling and planning the installation. It also provides an understanding of the site conditions, the plant and access equipment needed as well as highlighting the key health and safety points and requirements from the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM).
“In publishing this guide, FIS’s aim is to help the project team achieve a completed building that looks and functions to its full design potential. It is not intended as a definitive technical manual, but rather a framework that will support main contractors, site managers/supervisors, designers, engineers and others involved through the building process.”
Iain McIlwee, FIS Chief Executive
The early appointment of a specialist suspended ceiling contractor who has the necessary experience and resources to achieve satisfactory completion is of major importance whilst contractor membership of FIS will be a significant indicator of a contractor’s suitability.
The guide sits alongside other FIS best practice guides that relate to ceilings:
Installation of suspended ceilings
Selection and installation of top fixings for suspended ceilings
Maintenance and access into suspended ceilings
Recommendations for the Safe Ingress of Plasterboard
In addition, the new specifiers guide to suspended ceilings will be available in Spring 2021.
These guides work well when they are included in proposals and project plans to demonstrate how to best approach a project. They are also good indicators if a contractor puts the guide forward as part of a submission of a contractor’s ability to deliver the ceiling installation to the required standard and are an excellent introduction to new members of the team and any trainees and apprentices.
You can download the Site Guide for Suspended Ceilings here.