CITB has shared its new Strategic Plan 2021-25. The plan sets out the key skills challenges for the construction industry and what CITB will do to address them. There is a video to watch about CITB’s new Strategic Plan and how it links back to their recently published Annual Review here. CITB expect COVID-19 to have a lasting impact on skills provision, creating an increased demand to protect specialist skills. The Strategic Plan has built in flexibility so they can respond if requirements change, using CITB experience and conversations with industry to understand the issues.
Due to reduced income, it will be essential that CITB focus on a smaller number of priorities to modernise and improve productivity, with greater access to training. CITB will help employers address gaps in provision, make training accessible and target funding where it’s needed, including through the Grants Scheme. Some of the initiatives within the plan include:
- Support 28,000 taster experiences of construction and help potential new entrants understand the opportunities available through Go Construct
- Create a new pathway between Further Education and employment for 8,000 learners, including 1,600 apprenticeship starts
- Give 19,000 people onsite experience to prepare them to start work in construction
- £500m of grants and funding (77% of Levy) into direct employer funding to help employers invest in training to rebuild after the pandemic and subsequently to modernise and boost productivity.
CITB feel with support from the industry a productive workforce equipped in high quality, transferable, core and emerging skills can be built that will pave the way for recovery. You can read more in the CITB Strategic Plan 2021-25.