The Plan for Jobs has introduced new support for FIS members to take on 16-24 for initial six months from the Government’s new Kick-start scheme. The Kickstart scheme is for employers to create new jobs for those aged 16-24, claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. There is no cap on the number of places per employer. Companies who take part in the scheme will have to prove that the jobs they are making available to applicants are new, are not replacing any already existing jobs and are ‘above and beyond any jobs they were expecting to create’. Employers will be required to provide training and support for the kick starter to find a permanent job, in early August the Chancellor said ‘If employers meet the conditions, government will pay young people’s wages for six months, plus an amount to cover overheads.’
Funding will be available for each six month job placement and will cover 100% of the National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week and employers will be able to top this wage up. It is likely employers will be required to register through Job Centre plus. Official policy and guidance has not yet to been published, so please check with FIS if you are offered anything to do with Kickstart. FIS will publish details when they become available.