BuildUK carried out a snapshot survey of its Contractor members in June 2020 to understand their current policies on the provision of face coverings to workers in response to coronavirus.
The survey questions were based on the assumption that members:
- had undertaken a risk assessment, implemented the hierarchy of control measures within the Site Operating Procedures, and still had specific tasks that required individuals to work within
two metres of each other - provide suitable PPE, including face masks or RPE, where identified for particular tasks.
BuildUK received responses from 94% of members and this report summarises the approaches being taken.
Q1: Where workers are able to maintain social distancing of two metres, what is your policy regarding the provision of face coverings?
- 29 companies do not provide, or require, a face covering
- 3 companies provide either face masks or visors on request
- 1 company requires face masks (Type II R) to be worn for all tasks
Q2: Where workers are not able to maintain social distancing of two metres, what is your policy regarding the provision of face coverings?
- 23 companies require face coverings to be worn for all tasks undertaken within two metres
- 5 companies undertake a task-specific risk assessment to determine if face coverings are worn
- 4 companies do not require face coverings to be worn
- 1 company does not undertake any activity within 2 metres
Q3: If you require face coverings within two metres, what type is provided?
Of the 23 companies that require face coverings for all tasks undertaken within two metres:
- 11 provide an FFP2 face mask
- 4 provide a cotton face mask
- 3 provide a Type II R face mask
- 2 provide an FFP3 face mask
- 2 provide a visor
- 1 provides a Type I face mask
Additional Resources:
FIS COVID-19 Health and Safety Toolkit
FIS COVID-19 Guide to the Selection of Personal and Respiratory Protective Equipment