FIS is a proud partner of the Inspiring Change Conference and members are encouraged to enter the Inspiring Change Awards which highlight and reward organisations within the sector that have created more inclusive cultures in their workplaces, education, and the community.
The Conference itself will bring together a range of inspirational industry-wide speakers, including politicians, industry stakeholders and representatives from a wide range of sectors.
The conference will take place on Tuesday 21 May 2019 from 10.00-16.30 at No 11 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0AN.
The event is free to attend and will share client expectations and good practice from within the construction industry and beyond to advance the understanding of the business and societal benefits of developing a culture of fairness, inclusion and respect within the workplace. Attendees will be able to network with 300 like-minded professionals.
For more information about the conference, how to enter the awards and take advantage of award sponsorship opportunities visit the website at: or email