The #BuildersBrew campaign aims to highlight the issue of mental health and encourage people to talk about this difficult subject area over a mug of tea or coffee. Mental health affects us all at some point in our lives and we are encouraging people to take positive proactive action to support each other and talk about it. We want people to share images of their #BuildersBrew, a photo of themselves with their mug of tea or coffee talking about mental health.
To support and raise awareness of such an important subject area we have teamed up with Digital College and UK Construction Week to offer you the opportunity to book in for a free mental health course; An Awareness of Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace. This will take place at a breakfast briefing from 9:00 – 10:00 at UK Construction Week exhibition at the NEC on 10 October, which is also World Mental Health Day. Breakfast will provided with a builders brew and you will receive your course certificate later in the morning.
The course is designed to provide an introduction to Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace. As well as explaining what is meant by the terms “Mental Health” and “Wellbeing”, the course aims to raise awareness of common mental health issues and provides suggestions of what to do if/when working life is affected by a manageable mental health condition, such as stress, anxiety, low mood and depression.
Register in advance to book your free course place by emailing