The government has clarified the fire safety guidance in Approved Document B following the recommendations made by Dame Judith Hackitt and is seeking views on these revisions.

To view the consultation documents please click here.  It is preferred that responses to this consultation be made using the online survey The closing date for this consultation is 11 October 2018.

Please note that when viewing the two redrafted volumes of AD B that:

  • The presentation is no longer in the two column format which made life more difficult when viewing the ADs on line
  • There has been a significant reconfiguration to the two volumes with the split now reflecting Dwellings and Non-dwellings
  • Therefore, guidance on the design of blocks of flats has now moved from Volume 2 to Volume 1
  • A clear differentiation is now made between external fire spread on the external walls and fire spread from one building to another
  • The use of European classifications for fire resistance and reaction to fire within the main body of the document. Advice on British Standards is retained to allow for conversions, if needed
  • Consolidation of guidance on fire dampers and ventilation systems into one place
  • Moving guidance on the provision of information (regulation 38) and insulated core panels into the main body of the document
  • Where possible specifying the period of fire resistance for a construction into the body of the text rather than on tables situated in the back of the AD.

Also note that MHCLG are not inviting responses to:

  • Sections providing guidance on the use of combustible materials on wall systems of high-rise buildings
  • Paragraphs A1-A4 of Appendix B of both volumes regarding desk top studies

As these are being dealt with in a separate consultations already released for comment.

CPA will be responding to this consultation and would appreciate seeing members responses so that we can submit a meaningful document reflecting the diverse range of opinions.