We have received the following email from the Construction Products Association regarding false claims on some products that they meet the CPR and have false CE marks on their products.
If you have any evidence of products on the market where you believe this is happening please contact Duncan King duncan.king@constructionproducts.org.uk
The Devon, Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards Service have elected to run a project through 2018 around enforcement of the CPR. They have contacted CPA asking for a steer on construction products that appear in the market with which there are issues with CPR compliance. These may be specific products or sectors within the scope of the CPR. As this is a specific request from a Trading Standard office and is the first indication CPA has received of a TS office wanting to be proactive in this field, we feel that we must respond with some definite information. Therefore, members are asked to email Duncan King (duncan.king@constructionproducts.org.uk) of current issues they have with enforcement of the CPR and products appearing in the market place that you consider are breaking CPR legislation.
In addition, TS would like to contact member’s companies in the Devon and Somerset area with a view to supplying them with tailored advice they can use to when explaining why other products are not meeting the legislation.