FIS Competency Passport

FIS has partnered with MyProPass to provide a tool for FIS members to issue, access and manage competency data for their workforce and provide individuals with a Competency Passport to demonstrate their training and achievement history.

Why is demonstrating competency important

The need to demonstrate competency has come to the fore following the Building Safety Act becoming law. Within the  Act, the documentation of competence requirements apply to all building works and are directly linked to the following two areas.

  • Principal Designer (including the Design team)
  • Principal Contractor (including the Contractor team)

It means companies will need to have a clear Competency Plan and be required to demonstrate that their workforce, at every level, is competent to complete the tasks their work involves, from Labourer to Managing Director.  To help achieve this individuals will need to keep records of their achievements, training and experience.

Competency Passport

MyProPass helps individuals manage achievement in any form – education, training, qualification and experience – by storing records in one secure place to create a Competency Passport.  Employers can then access individuals records, subject to permission, to validate their competence. 

This work aligns to the FIS focus on Competency

Find out the benefits for you


Training Providers
