
Launch date set for furlough online applications

Launch date set for furlough online applications

Yesterday, the Chief Executive of HMRC, Jim Harra, appeared before the Treasury Select Committee and announced that the online system for making claims under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been developed and will be launched on 20 April. The system has been...

FIS to establish COVID-19 H&S Taskforce

FIS to establish COVID-19 H&S Taskforce

FIS is calling on the sector to help set up a taskforce to identify and look at individual tasks and situations that are difficult or seemingly not possible to achieve whilst adhering strictly to the Public Health England Guidelines. There are a number of instances...

An open letter on COVID-19 to the sector from the FIS President

An open letter on COVID-19 to the sector from the FIS President

I like you have been head down this past week, trying to make sense of all that is befalling us and managing the various conflicting pressures. Mike and I have been running Tapper Interiors now for 35 years, but this has, without doubt, been the toughest week yet – I...

Jean Birch, first CEO of AIS passes away

Jean Birch, first CEO of AIS passes away

It is with a sad heart that we have to inform you that Jean Birch has passed away from cancer. Many of you might know Jean, she was CEO of the Partitioning and Interiors Association (PIA) and Association of Interior Specialists (AIS) for nearly 23 years, before...

COVID-19 Impact on CSCS applications

COVID-19 Impact on CSCS applications

Current position 11.1.21  Pearson Professional Centres continue to operate the HS&E test in England and Scotland. Due to social distancing measures the centres cannot run at full capacity and some are experiencing longer wait times than usual. Testing in Pearson...

March year-end? Don’t miss out on a valuable cash boost

March year-end? Don’t miss out on a valuable cash boost

FIS Associate Member ForrestBrown explains how the upcoming financial year-end could be an opportunity for members to get cash back from the tax man. If your accounting year-end is 31 March, it’s worth reading this. If you are an innovative business, this is your...