Specialist Risk Management support for FIS Members

RBMC is passionate about helping construction companies to improve their performance, increase their margins, and enhance shareholder value.

A specialist, boutique consultancy, serving clients within the construction industry. RBMC is unique in both its service offering and its approach. We were established to be different and to make a difference!

Uniquely focused on Risk Management and Commercial Best Practice, we help companies to solve problems before they happen and to be more prepared when they do.

Success in construction is highly dependent on the ability to manage risk. Improving risk management inherently leads to improved margins and outcomes.

Couple this, with the ability to create and then maximise opportunities, where possible, and you have a powerful combination for success.

Richard Brackstone
Owner/Chief Executive
RB Management and Consulting Ltd.

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Construction Company Risk Appraisal Report

Our flagship service is our Construction Company Risk Appraisal Report. Developed with extensive industry experience, our unique and innovative report process identifies and measures how risk adverse your organisation is, in its day-to-day operating procedures. We examine both the knowledge of and the actual functional risk management currently active within your organisation.

​We do this by stress testing your business across four key operating pillars: Health, Safety & Environment, Corporate Governance, Operational Performance and Commercial Management.

Our report then provides you with tangible metrics as to how well you manage risk and gives you a baseline from which to focus and drive continual improvement across your business, thus leading to better outcomes.

Frank honest assessment, with absolutely no axe to grind, and focused on improvement!

As, the FIS Strategic Partner for Risk Management, we are delighted to offer a 10% Discount to FIS members, from our usual Report fees, to recognise this collaborative arrangement.