Health & Safety Helpline

Health and Safety Advice

The health and safety helpline is provided by Citation. Members have unlimited access to the advice or assistance on health and safety related issues.

To use this service you will require a password.  Please call FIS on 0121 707 0077.

Tel: 0345 844 4848

Citation Ltd – Discounted rates on full service

FIS members are entitled to preferential rates on Citation’s services. Its HR, Employment Law and Health & Safety service includes a 24/7 expert advice line, 100s of model documents, contracts and templates, and a dedicated local consultant with annual site visits. Plus, they can support members with training, fire and electrical safety services, ISO Certifications, and SMAS Accreditation.

Some of the many areas Citation can help with include:

  • Winning more tenders and meeting pre-qualification questionnaire requirements
  • Better managing sickness and absence issues
  • Making sure your company meets the SSIP standards with a SMAS Worksafe certificate – giving you visibility to hundreds of organisations wanting to work with new suppliers
  • More effectively conducting staff training and evidencing its delivery
  • Distinguishing between different types of employment status and knowing your responsibilities
  • Ensuring you have legally compliant and up-to-date risk assessments.

Get in touch to find out more or book a free consultation

Call 0345 844 1111 today to an advisor, leave your details on this page, or click here to find out more.

Remember to let them know you’re an FIS member to claim your member benefit.