Following a Freedom of Information request by a Build UK member, the HSE has confirmed that the Building Safety Regulator has received 1,427 applications for Building Control Approval for Higher‐Risk Buildings (HRBs), of which 214 have been approved (15%), 683 are pending approval (48%), and 530 were invalid, rejected or withdrawn (37%).
86% of the applications received were for existing HRBs, with 16% approved and 40% invalid, rejected or withdrawn. Only 9% of the applications received were for new HRBs and just 7% of these have been approved, with 70% still pending approval. It was also confirmed that the applications which were approved took an average of 17 weeks for existing HRBs and 14 weeks for new HRBs.
FIS Building Safety Act Toolkit
FIS has produced a Toolkit to help members navigate this new legislative landscape. We have produced guides, a Building Safety Act Training Module and reviewed the FIS PPP Qualifty Framework Toolkit to align to the new landscape. We have also strengthened our Legal Support Services to assist members with some of the contractual issues that have arisen.