HS2’s Long Itchington Wood Tunnel site hosted the launch of Open Doors 2023 showing more than 20 students from local colleges what a career in construction might look like! As well as catching a glimpse of ‘Dorothy’, the tunnel boring machine currently excavating a one‐mile twin bore tunnel under an ancient woodland, attendees had the chance to put their questions to the site team about what it’s like to work on such a transformative project. Speaking at the event, Build UK Chief Executive Suzannah Nichol called on the industry to get behind Open Doors and show the next generation that “whatever you enjoy doing and are good at ‐ there is a job for you in construction”.
With bookings for visitors opening on Monday 9 January 2023, members are encouraged to register their sites, factories, offices and other facilities on the Open Doors website as soon as possible, giving schools and colleges plenty of time to plan visits. The initiative is spearheaded by Build UK who have provided a Coordinators’ Toolkit to help you identify suitable sites and maximise your involvement in the event which will run from Monday 13 ‐ Saturday 18 March 2023.
If you are interested or registered to take part in OpenDoors, please advise the FIS via marieflinter@thefis.org and we will help to promote your involvement. Not FIS also has prepared standard letters and guidance to help you in contacting local schools which we can send across.