With construction needing to recruit over 53,000 new entrants every year to maintain output, Build UK has published the results of its latest survey of members to understand current levels of employment within the industry and the impact of job vacancies across the supply chain. ‘Increasing Employment in Construction’ reveals that 33% of respondents have increased their number of directly employed workers in the last 12 months, with 50% predicting an increase over the next year, which is being driven primarily by an increase in activity, followed by companies taking on more new entrants and apprentices.
68% of Build UK members confirmed they currently have vacancies, which is increasing pressure on existing teams and stifling business growth. To help recruit more new entrants into construction, Build UK will be focussing on improving the journey from education to employment, and will be reviewing the various ways that young people take their first step into the industry, including Apprenticeships, Traineeships, T Levels and Degrees.