Prior to sign up you will need an apprenticeship service account
Transferring Your Apprenticeship Levy to Another Business
Transferring your apprenticeship levy to another business – GOV.UK (
An apprenticeship levy paying employer can transfer up to 25% of their annual levy funds to another employer to pay for the training and assessment costs for apprenticeship standards. Transfers can support new apprenticeship starts, this includes existing staff starting an apprenticeship or where the apprentice’s employer has changed. Transfers may be used to support the skills gaps and shortages within locations or sectors.
Receive a Levy Transfer from another Business to Fund an Apprenticeship
Receive a levy transfer from another business to fund an apprenticeship – GOV.UK (
Transfers is one way of receiving funding to support the costs of apprenticeship training and assessment. By receiving a transfer, if you do not pay the levy then you will save the 5% employer co-investment. Also, transfers do not count towards reservation of funds. Apprenticeships are not just for new employees; they are available to upskill existing employees too.
Apprenticeships and Qualifications
For advice on process or funding for getting yourself or your workforce qualified view our Skills and Funding page or call us on 0121 707 0077 or email