Scotland has committed to green recovery from Covid-19 in order to capture the opportunities for a transition to net zero through the creation of green jobs, development of sustainable skills and nurture of wellbeing. The report includes policies and proposals for each of the eight sectors identified: electricity, transport, industry, waste, land use/land change/forestry, agriculture, negative emission technologies and buildings.
The most relevant points for FIS members are:
- Buildings: a regulatory change, delivering significant investment and supporting supply chain growth. Much of the focus appears to be on the stimulation of zero emission heating systems and energy efficiency measures, which a particular focus on domestic buildings. In 2021, the Net Zero Public Sector Buildings standard was launched. This voluntary standards considers 5 objectives: embodied carbon emissions, operational carbon emission, other whole life carbon emissions, indoor environmental quality and environmental aspects. The Government is also working closely with Skills Development Scotland to create the appropriate skills to deliver net zero and published “Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan 2020-2025 Key Issues And Priority Action”.
- Waste: embed circular economy principles in the wider green recovery, ban on a number of single use plastic items
- Industry: funds being made available to support the development of carbon capture and hydrogen technologies and for the manufacturing of low products
The document also provides a route map graphic of what the policies will mean in practice – see page 15-22.
FIS Sustainability Hub
FIS is committed to taking a pro-active lead, not just in supporting the UK ambition to net zero carbon by 2050, but delivering profound transformation within our supply chain on all aspects of ethical and environmental sustainability. We have created this hub to bring together resources and information that will support your journey to net zero.