The Building Safety Bill is being debated in Parliament after MPs tabled dozens of amendments, including one which would ensure that all owners of residential units in higher‐risk buildings are classed as ‘relevant persons’ and therefore required to be supported by the regulator. The original definition of ‘relevant persons’ proposed in Part 4 of the Bill included only residents, building safety managers and duty holders. Other amendments would allow the recovery of VAT on building safety remedial works paid since 14 June 2017 and extend the period for claims under both the Defective Premises Act and the Building Act from 15 to 25 years.
FIS has prepared a summary of the Building Safety Bill here.
The Government has published a series of factsheets to help stakeholders understand the new requirements set out in the Bill. Of particular interest to members will be those covering Dutyholders and Industry Competence which outline the responsibilities of dutyholders under the new regime.