FIS has established a network of FIS Construction STEM Ambassadors to help expose young people the wide range of opportunities available in our sector. We have linked up with STEM Construction and the Built Environment Ambassadors programme to ensure our network is supported by their resources and training and taps in to a wide range of activities which includes school presentations, careers talks and mentoring.
There are around 700,000 annual school leavers, so we need an army of ambassadors to get to all of them!! The CLC’s Industry Skills Plan includes a commitment to recruit 7,000 Construction STEM Ambassadors, as FIS represents around 10% of the sector, to do our share of the lifting we need 700.
The STEM Ambassador programme provides vital training, tools and support – giving you confidence that the message is right and we are working (and learning) consistently as a sector. Becoming an ambassador will also plug you in to the STEM network and will open up opportunities to visit schools and careers fairs (you need to commit to doing at least two of these a year as part of your pledge).
At FIS we are here to help and have members of our team who have completed the training and are actively working as ambassadors, we are maintaining a network of ambassadors and are using this network to better understand how to target our approach and to develop the resources they need to get the message across.
Anyone working in the sector can be a STEM ambassador, from people who have just completed an apprenticeship through to the CEO/Owner. We need to represent all roles and opportunities available and really this can be anyone working in your business with a passion for our industry who can get this message across and wants to help spread the word (and build your links with local schools and colleges).
FIS who members who want to understand get cracking simply need to sign up online to become STEM Ambassador and advise that you have started your journey.
Further information on how to get involved can be found in this short film. If you like to have a chat about what is involved before committing please call Marie Flinter at FIS on 0121 707 0077 or email and we will be happy to help.