As part of a wider commitment to Net Zero, FIS has appointed a Sustainability Champion. This announcement is timed to coincide with Net Zero Week of the FIS Annual Conference 2021.
Flavie Lowres, will be joining the team on an initial six month contract from mid-September. Flavie has a PhD in Materials and Metallurgy Science and Engineering from the University of Birmingham. She joined BRE in June 2003, chairs the Construction Materials Group and is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Flavie spent 18 years at BRE where she was an Associate Director responsible for running the LCA and circular economy section of the team. She has been working in the field of materials sustainability since 2007 and has been involved in a number of UK and international projects related to sustainability in the built environment.
On her appointment FIS CEO Iain McIlwee said:
“In this appointment we are recognising our responsibility, but also the opportunity to ensure Net Zero isn’t just about a better planet, but also a healthier sector where procurement recognises more than just how far we can screw down the best and final price. Our strategy for change is focusssed on three key pillars I, we and them; how can I be better, how we can work better together and what help we need from them. This eflects our need to support individual members to take the first and next step, the importance of collaboration to delivering change and how we can use the FIS influence to support this change through policy and procurement. In Flavie we are bringing in some heavy weight expertise so that we can better target our support and ensure that we focus on curating support, collaborating widely and creating content or tools where needed”.
Flavie added
“I have seen the outline plan from FIS and am excited to get stuck in helping to shape and deliver change and working with FIS members to look at how we can really make a difference as a community”.
FIS is hosting a debate with Barbour ABI as part of their Annual Conference 2021 on Wednesday 8 September focussed on how the finishes and interiors sector is adapting in a journey to net zero. The organisation has also announced this week that it has entered into a partnership with the Supply Chain Sustainability School to create an virtual training hub to support individual businesses in delivering on the wider sustainability agenda and also that it has become a delivery partner for C02nstruct Zero, the Construction Leadership Council’s Net Zero Strategy.
You can book your free place at the FIS Round Table Debate A Path to Net Zero here
Join the conversation at #FISNetZeroChallenge