Become an FIS Approved Training Provider

Fill in the form below to start the process.

FIS Approved Training Provider Sign Up Form

  • Please give examples.
  • PLC / Limited Company / LLP

  • Partnership / Sole Trader

  • SECTION D – References

  • Please outline below why you would like to become an FIS Skills Partner and Approved Training Provider
  • SECTION J - Declaration

    The company (as per section A) understands the FIS Skills criteria and agrees to be bound by the Code of Conduct and accepts the minimum 1 year period of partnership. Should the company not be accepted for partnership, it accepts that the decision of FIS Skills is final and acknowledges that it may re-apply in the future. I, the undersigned, confirm I have read and understood the above declaration and am authorised to apply for FIS Partnership Status on behalf of the company.