Creating a Competency Management Plan – 14 December

Creating a Competency Management Plan – 14 December

Webinar: Creating a Competency Management Plan

Event Details

Date:14 December 2022
Location: Online
Time: 12:00 – 12:30

The Building Safety Act imposes a legal requirement on Principal Designers, Principal Contractors and anyone carrying out any design or building work to be competent.  It also places a duty on those who appoint companies and individuals to work on a project to take “reasonable steps” to ensure that the people they appoint meet this requirement. 

A Competency Management Plan will be essential to evidencing that competency is being managed, you have the appropriate competency frameworks in place and can demonstrate this at the relevant Gateways so that Building Control can allow project(s) to proceed.  Moving forwards companies are going to need to do more to monitor, manage and demonstrate both individual and organisational competence.  Building Control will be empowered to ask for proof that the plan is being delivered at any stage in a project. 

This webinar will introduce the content of this FIS Guide to Creating a Competency Management Plan and outline the many tools available to employers.