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Light Gauge SFS External Wall Systems
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FIS maintains a technical team which work with the industry to set standards and to support members, specifiers and clients.
Latest News
FIS Technical Director Joe Cilia retires
It is with mixed emotions that FIS announces the retirement of Joe Cilia, our Technical Director for the past 15 years. Joe is well known and respected throughout the finishes and interiors sector and his knowledge, enthusiasm and experience will be greatly missed....
Clarifying ‘Bespoke’ Construction Products: FIS’s Response to OPSS Consultation
FIS responded recently on behalf of it’s members to a consultation run by OPSS regarding “bespoke” construction products falling under Article 5 of the Construction Products Regulation. The aim of the consultation is to understand if the use of the term bespoke as it...
Notified Sums: More time to pay less?
In the matter of Placefirst Construction Limited -v- CAR Construction (North East) Limited (2025) EWHC 100 (TCC), Hill Dickinson successfully acted for Placefirst Construction Limited (“PCL”) in its claim for declaratory relief and the consequential nullification of...