Building Regulations

Fire safety: Approved Document B 
Building regulation in England covering fire safety matters within and around buildings.  This was updated on the 5 July 2019 and comes into force on the 30 August 2019. There are no technical changes (a separate Call for Evidence on the technical content closed on 15 March 2019 and is currently being considered before further announcements are made in due course), however the document has been redrafted to clarify language and content to be in line with MHCLG’s new style for these documents.  The document has now been split between dwellings and non-dwellings (previously it was split dwellings houses and other buildings).


Building Bulletin 100: Design for fire safety in schools

The publication of Building Bulletin 100 (BB 100) is a landmark in improving fire safety in schools. It brings together guidance on how to make schools even safer places for children to be in, with guidance on how to protect the continuity of their education.