On Tuesday this week, FIS hosted its Health and Safety working group meeting. We would like to extend our thanks to all those who attended and supported discussions around Health and Safety Statistics, Pallet Movement, CPR, Defibrillator Training, Dust and Muscular Skeletal Issues, and HAVS.
Safety Alerts and Actions: BDL shared a safety alert regarding a fatality associated with Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC). Various actions and agreed items were highlighted, such as the need for volunteers to review existing FIS guidance on manual handling and load handling, completion of the FIS H&S and Accident Survey, and the trial of Pallet Loop trucks.
Future Focus: There was a consensus on the importance of updating guidance on HAVS and manual handling. Discussions also took place regarding specific training for handling boards and the development of more H&S specific training using the FIS e-learning platform.
Feedback and Suggestions
This contributions of this group are invaluable in promoting a safe and healthy working environment.
If you are interested in attending the next H&S working group, email info@thefis.org We welcome topics for future discussions, or areas for improvement in the FIS H&S Toolkit.
Access the Health and Safety Working Group
Notes and presentations can be downloaded from there