The following updated documents have been published; please see Transitional arrangements (below) for the date of applicability.

1. Approved Document L1b Conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings 2010 edition incorporating 2018 amendments. This changes all references to the (3) below

2. 2018 amendments to 2010 edition of AD L1B – Corrigenda Provides a list of the actual changes in (1) above

3. Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide 2013 incorporating 2018 amendments. These changes introduce revised standards concerning the installation and replacement of gas-fired and oil-fired boilers in existing dwellings. The changes affect Sections 2 & 3 and parts of the Introduction section.

All documents can be found here


Transitional arrangements:
These documents come into force on 6 April 2018 only in respect of:

• Work where a building notice was given or full plans deposited on or after 6 April 2018, or

• Work where the contract for the provision of the work was agreed on or after that date in cases where no notification to a building control body is required

The previous editions of AD L1B and domestic building services compliance guide will continue to apply in respect of:

• Work commenced before 6 April 2018

• Work where a building notice or initial notice was given or full plans deposited before 6 April 2018

• Work where a contract for the provision of the work was agreed before 6 April 2018 where no notification to a building control body was required.