More and more public and private stakeholders are considering indoor air quality (IAQ) as a very relevant building performance characteristic. However, existing schemes at national and EU level are falling short of providing a comprehensive system covering design, construction and product information to guarantee reasonable levels of indoor air quality.

The CPA, in discussion with the Subgroup on Dangerous Substances (SGDS) and other stakeholders, have questioned if the focus on product performance only, without including design of buildings/rooms and the installation, is not falling short of creating an efficient approach to provide a safe indoor air environment. The experts of the SGDS have clearly pointed out that this will require more professional expertise than they could provide – in particular, the input of designers and contractors.

FIS members are invited to provide comment and/or work on a European Commission proposal on a global/holistic approach to indoor air quality. Interested member companies or individual experts should download this document and then contact the UK representative by 6 April 2018, cc’ing

If enough interest is received, respondents will be invited to a brainstorming meeting in Brussels before the summer.