In February 2016 the government asked the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) to look at the labour model in the construction industry and the skills pressures and other constraints that limit housebuilding and infrastructure development in the UK. The CLC commissioned Mark Farmer, CEO of Cast Consultancy, to undertake a review.
The report, published on 17 October 2016, is titled ‘Modernise or Die: Time to decide the industry’s future’. The evidence reviewed indicates that the construction industry and its labour model is at a critical crossroads in terms of its long-term health. The real ticking ‘time bomb’ is that of the industry’s workforce size and demographic. Based purely on existing workforce age and current levels of new entrant attraction, we could see a 20-25% decline in the available labour force within a decade.
The executive summary on pages 6 to 11 provides real insight to the 70-page report which can be downloaded here.